When Festo wanted to ensure the environmental standards in their Jinan plant, they invested in 3nine oil mist eliminators. Today, Festo has a clean, safe and healthy work environment.
In 2011, Festo management put together a project group with the purpose of developing and improving the Jinan plant environmental standards. One of the big challenges was to acquire environmental certification ISO 14001 and to improve the health and safety conditions for the workers in the plant, because there was a large amount of oil mist that the processing machines were generating. Since oil mist is a danger to both people and the environment if not handled properly, this was a high priority. In October 2011, the project group came in contact with 3nine AB and decided to try a 3nine BLUE LINE oil mist eliminator.
Significant improvement in air quality
Measurements of the particle concentration in the workshop air was done before and after the installation of the 3nine unit. Since the test machine showed significantly good results on air quality, Festo chose to invest in 17 BLUE LINE units. Within a few weeks 3nine installed the first units and simultaneously trained the Festo personnel so that they could take care of the remaining installations.
Thanks to 3nine’s oil mist separators, we are now working in a safe and healthy environment.
says Dr. Zhou Hong, General Manager at Festo Production Ltd. in Jinan.
After a few months Festo chose to install 3nine eliminators on all their machine tools in the plant, which was an investment of 66 BLUE LINE units in total. At present, the air quality in the shop floor of Festo Production Ltd. is greatly improved.
Visiting address: 1156 Yunqiao Rd.,
Jin Qiao Export Processing Zone
Pudong, Shanghai 201206
Tel: +86-21+60815100
Web: https://www.festo.com/